Thursday, November 25, 2010

Twinkle Revue Sim Date cheats 2

* Suprise is special code, better open it

hazelisgreenish - hazel is naked in her room
thegreenback (i think?) - 9000 money

1,000 Days - ududlrlrbaslctstrt............10 Flowers
100 Days - scarletsilkstalkings............Surprise Scarlet
50 Days - inamedthem4theirhair.........100 Strength, 100 Magic, 100 Intellect
1,000 Days - hazelnutsarethebest........10 mp3 players
100 Days - doitdoitnow.......................All Moves
50 Days - hazelisgreenish...................Surprise Hazel
1,000 Days - crystalclearblue..............20 Guns
100 Days - abadeeabadai...................150 Energy
50 Days - pyroanimenia.....................Crystal Dressup
1,000 Days - violetsandblossoms.........$9,000
100 Days - bitchybuthot......................100 Strength, $5,000
50 Days - liketotallyviolet....................Violet Dressup
1,000 Days - rosescentisplayedout.......120 Magic
100 Days - arisearoseareering.............90 Magic, 90 Intellect, 20 Woks
50 Days - 4rosycheeks........................Rose Pictures
1,000 Days - gingercureshangovers......100 Magic, 10 Pearls
100 Days - surfsupginju.......................nothing yet
50 Days - finalbeerginvodka.................Ginger Dressup
1,000 Days - ududlrlrbaslctstrt............10 Flowers
100 Days - scarletsilkstalkings............Surprise Scarlet
50 Days - inamedthem4theirhair.........100 Strength, 100 Magic, 100 Intellect
1,000 Days - hazelnutsarethebest........10 mp3 players
100 Days - doitdoitnow.......................All Moves
50 Days - hazelisgreenish...................Surpri se Hazel
1,000 Days - crystalclearblue..............20 Guns
100 Days - abadeeabadai...................150 Energy
50 Days - pyroanimenia.....................Crystal Dressup
1,000 Days - violetsandblossoms.........$9,000
100 Days - bitchybuthot......................100 Strength, $5,000
50 Days - liketotallyviolet....................Vio let Dressup
1,000 Days - rosescentisplayedout.......120 Magic
100 Days - arisearoseareering.............90 Magic, 90 Intellect, 20 Woks
50 Days - 4rosycheeks........................Rose Pictures
1,000 Days - gingercureshangovers......100 Magic, 10 Pearls
100 Days - surfsupginju.......................nothi ng yet
50 Days - finalbeerginvodka.................Ginger Dressup
age: 23
band/singer: Metallica
birthday: July 7th
celebrity: Tia Carrera
drink: Tequila shots
food: steak
guys: strong
music: Heavy Metal
show: A-team
surname: none
bracelet: +5
flower: -20
lei: -20
mp3 player: +10
mushroom: 0
pearl: -10
rifle: +850
wok: -20
age: 20
band: Beach Boys
birthday: May 14th
celebrity: Angelina Jolie
drink: beer
guy: magical, rich
food: melons
music: Punk
siblings: older sister named Mary, who lives with 'Jane'
show: Hawaii 5 O
surname: Kudrow
bracelet: + 50
flower: + 50
lei: +200
mp3 player: + 10
mushroom: + 5
pearl: +520
rifle: - 50
wok: - 5
age: 18
band/singer: Whitney Houston
birthday: 3rd October
celebrity: Scarlet Johanssen
drink: fruit smoothies with vanilla vodka
food: chocolate
guys: magical
music: any
show: American Idol
surname: Suzuki
bracelet: +50
flower: +100
lei: +20
mp3 player: +520
mushroom: -20
pearl: +10
rifle: -20
wok: -20
age: 18
band/singer: Salt and Peppa
brithday: August 25th
celebrity: Joan Cusack
drink: cooking wine
food: stir fry
guys: magical and intelligent
music: hip-hop
show: Iron Chef
surname: Hitachi
bracelet: +50
flower: -10
lei: +20
mp3 player: +20
mushroom: +503
pearl: +10
rifle: -10
wok: +300
age: 20
band/singer: Pink
birthday: February 18th
celebrity: Audrey Hepburn
drink: Long Island ice tea
food: pizza
guys: well-rounded
music: techno
show: Broken Saints
surname: Anderson
bracelet: +10
flower: +500
lei: +10
mp3 player: +100
mushroom: 0
pearl: +20
rifle: +50
wok: -20
age: 19
birthday: Jan 3rd
celebrity: Katharine Hepburn
composer: bach
food: tomato and basil soup
guys: strong and rich
music: classical
show: none
Surname: Bouquet
drink: wine
bracelet: +603
flower: +100
Lei: -20
mushroom: -20
mp3 player: +5
pearl: -10
rifle: -20
Wok: -20

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