As I watched her journal, I nearly died watching her message status...(crap!) It's so annoying when we getting a thousand no reason or yeah reason messages! Did, she still hear her fans crying and tears, how she manage to answer them>.< !!!!
Gosh... Why on earth this fans are crazying (please do not be mAD!)
My other FAQ died. (I probably accidentally deleted it while cleaning out my journals.) So here's a shiny new one. Newer questions will be added onto the bottom and so on. And another note, if your question
can be answered by using Google, then please, go use it now. It'll save us both a lot of time. Seriously, I might as well go redirect more than half of you to it.

= Really popular question
1. What do you use to make your games and dating sims? 
Macromedia Flash 8.
2. Is Flash free? Does it come with my/your computer like MS Paint and Microsoft Word?
Absolutely not.
3. Where/how do you get Flash? 
Buy it. From an online retailer, store, or the official Adobe website
[link](here.) I think prices for it go for around $700 now. Look up retailers, stores, and prices for yourself with Google.
4. What program do you use to draw your pictures?
I used to use Adobe Photoshop 6 and Manga Studio 3.0 EX, but now I use Easy Paint Tool SAI and Flash. (I like to do my line art on Flash and coloring on SAI or Flash.)
5. Where's Haru's diary in [link](Anime Sim Date 2.0)?
*Sigh* Since its seems like you people don't like using online Japanese to English dictionaries to look up the definition of 'tenmaku', I'm just going to say the answer here:
6. Will you make another sim date soon? 
Yes. No. Maybe. If I die anytime soon, then probably not.
7. What anime is [link](Miku Hatsune) from?
She's not from an anime. She's a mascot character for a series of robotic singing programs called Vocaloid 02. Learn more by looking her up with Google.
8. What's your race?
I don't do nail.
9. Where do you get your anime figures from? 
I ordered most of them online from retailers like Toyslogic, HobbySearch, and PowerAnime. You can find more retailers by using Google.
10. How much do your figures cost?
They all vary in prices, but I think that it's safe to say that they adverage around $25-$30 each. (Not including shipping though.)
11. I'm horrible with Flash. Your sim date tutorial was nice, but I still don't get it at all. Will you do a sim date collab with me? 
12. I want to make a sim date with money, HP, days, and stats. Any tips? 
I'm not going to explain any coding NOR make a tutorial about it, because I know that people are going to spam me about how they don't understand how it works and just the concept in general. That's why I dislike making tutorials. ANYWAYS, to answer your question, I just have to say look up Flash variable tutorials using Google. I don't know any sim date tutorials out there. Here's
[link](something to get you started with variables.)
13. I made a Flash! How do I post it up on deviantART?
FAQ #79: How do I submit Artwork, Flash Animations or Literature?
14. Can I make fanart of your character(s)/write fan fictions based on your games n' stuff? 
Go ahead. Just don't claim what's not yours and show it to me when you're done.
15. Are you addicted to coffee?
No. I just like it... a lot.
16. Hi. How are you?/What're you doing right now? 
Neeexxttt questioooonn...
17. Do you speak any other languages besides English?
18. Where/from who did you learn your drawing skills from?
Internet. Look up tutorials for yourself. This site has a
bunch for your information.
19. Will you make more Emerald Moon, please?
Probably not... Sorry, I just don't want to work with it anymore.
20. Do you ever get art/writer's block?
No. My mind is a bottomless pit of ideas. Seriously.
21. Where do you get your ideas/inspiration from? 
Internet. And I do
a lot of thinking during my daily life. Most of my good ideas come up when I taking showers though.
21. How did you make Tomo? 
I followed
[link](this guide.)
22. How old are you?
It's called "check my deviantART profile page", but anyways I'm currently 16 years old. I guess some other sites might say that Pacthesis is 14 or 15, cause I haven't been on them forever to update my info.
23. How come you don't reply to your messages? ... Or at least mine?
It's tiring to respond to the same/similar comments over and over again. I reply to some, but if I seriously replied to all... I'd be on deviantART all day long.
24. Do you read all of your messages?
I actually try to. I quickly scan through 75% of them and the other %25 are either read
reallycarefully OR ignored. And here are the reasons for why I ignore some: 1) The message was written in a foreign language and I was too lazy to look up an online translator, 2) The message was written in such horrible 'engrish' and was missing too much grammar that not even I could understand it, 3) The message was really pathetic spam or not relevant to anything about me/my work.
25. Who killed Mrs. Frena in [link](Sora Wright?)
The husband did. No, I'm serious, it was the husband. Pathetic and totally cliche, right? I almost can't believe that I chose the husband as the murderer either.
26. Are you going to rebuild Sora Wright someday?
I plan on doing so
before the end of this summer 2009. someday in the long future... maybe.
27. Can you make a tutorial on insert subject here? 
No. There's somebody else on the internet who's better at
insert subject here than me. Go find and bug them instead.
28. How on earth did you get the money to buy all of your figures??
It's called a
job. And I collect them over time... my first two figures that I ever got were Sora and Roxas which was back in 2007. Sometimes my parents pay for them as Christmas presents, birthday gifts, or report card prizes. Am I crazy for spending a significant amount of money on plastic? Yes.
29. Favorite anime/color/animal/food/ect?
[link](the various comments in this journal.)
30. In your flash sim date tutorial, I followed all the steps correctly to make a text button option thing, but the "hit" doesn't work properly... I still have to mouse over the text to make it clickable. Am I doing something wrong?
Make sure that your text is static text, not dynamic text. Otherwise, does the box that you drew in the hit frame have fill in it?
31. Are you ever going to make a sim date that has yuri and yaoi? 
Maybe, I don't know.
32. When you work on things like your sim dates, how do tolerate it? Don't you go crazy from all of the coding?
There's a reason for why I have all of those action figures and coffee.
33. How do you make your character designs for your sim dates?
Their designs are based purely on fan service.
34. How do you pronounce your user name? 
The "correct" pronunciation of "Pacthesis" is "Pac-the-sis". "Pac" as in Pacman, "the" as in The 3 Little Pigs, and "sis" as in sister.) Think of it as like... packing your sister?
35. What's the origin of your user name? How did you come up with it? 
I chose this user name is because it was original and nobody else has ever taken it... so far anyways. "Pacthesis" is actually a name of one of my super old characters from a manga I wrote back in 7th grade. Another strange thing about this "Pacthesis" character is that he was male, not female.
36. Will you make a sim date/game with me in it, please? Or can I at least be in your next sim date/game?
I'll be blunt. No. If I said yes to everybody, there would be an invasion of OCs, furries, and random people in my dating sims/games.
37. Why are you all "expressionless" in your flash games and stuff?
Happy, hyper, and energetic images and depictions that artists make of themselves are overused and slightly cliche. I'm not afraid to be a little bit different from them.
38. Are you really "expressionless" in real life?
Half of the time, yes. Half of the other time, no.
39. What do you look like in real life?
I'm Asian. I have long black hair and bangs. I'm a teenager. I'm not overweight or fat. I'm 158 cm tall. And I don't need a bag for my face. (I used to have pictures of myself here on deviantART, but I took them down due to increasing popularity and sudden rise of stalkers.)
40. You have stalker problems?
Yes. They're creepy and dangerous people.
41. Does this FAQ actually serve its purpose of limiting spam messages for you?
*sigh* Probably not. BUT, it is helpful to me. Cause I copy and paste a lot of my answers from here when responding to some of my messages.
42. The newest version of Flash goes for about $700. How much are the older versions? Are they cheaper?
I would think that the older versions would be cheaper, but I can't say for sure. So then as for prices, I do not know. Adobe stops making and selling the older versions once new ones are released. (Just like the Apple company with their iPods.) You may be able to find a cheaper, perhaps used version of Flash if you search the net hard enough?
43. About your "How to Make a Sim Date tutorial", can you import image files and scanned pictures into a game instead of drawing directly in Flash? 
Yes. You can import image files into Flash by going to File > Import > Import to Stage...
orImport to Library...
44. Where did you get your Lelouch figma? And how much did you pay for it?
A lot of people have been asking about my Lulu, but it's really hard to find him nowadays because he's a limited figure. Most sites sell him for about $80-$100 or don't have him in stock at all. I got mine for about $40 bucks at PowerAnime (They're out of stock of him by the way). I got him back in the summer of July 2008. His value has gone up over the years I guess...
45. I found a glitch in Wonderland Days Sim Date! For the hidden puzzle 1/8, it won't accept "health" as the answer!
The answer is "h", not "health". It asks for what
single letter goes in between the letter "ealt" to make a word. It's okay, mate. You're not the only one who has asked me this question...
46. Will you make a dating sim about insert subject here? 
47. Will you make a insert favorite anime series here dating sim? 
48. I see people on this site and other sites using your art/games. Should I notify you about this?
I have given some people permission to post my art and display my games on their web sites and here on deviantART. I don't really care if they use my art or games
without my permission anyways... unless if they are making money from it. So to answer your question, if they aren't making money from my work then don't tell me because I won't really care... But if you know that they are making a profit from my work then I would really appreciate it if you would notify me.
49. Will you insert task that involves giving you no payment here?
50. How do you make money off of your flash games?
MochiAds. Search "mochiads" on Google to find out more if you're interested.
51. Why don't you make sim dates for guys?
I have attempted to make a sim date for guys before, but failed. The biggest challenge for me is the dialogue. Even though if I have a boyfriend, I really have no knowledge on how to flirt with men. Another big reason is that most guys are expecting hentai and sex when they play dating simulations. It'd be like a huge slap to the face to all of them if I made a hentai-free sim date for guys.
52. Why do you like the color yellow?
An old friend of mine absolutely adored it. Back then, I just thought that it was an okay color. I didn't start to really like it until after he passed away though. It just reminds me of good times, y'know?
53. Why do you like coffee?
That's like asking a straight man why a slender woman in a bikini appeals to him or why do some people love the taste of sugar. It just naturally appeals to my taste buds.
54. Will you be my friend/watch me on deviantART? 
No. Well, I guess I would watch you if I honestly liked your gallery or something, but asking me "Will you watch me?" really makes me less tempted to do so. And I tend to not befriend people I meet on the internet. Sorry.
55. Why do you make dating sims?
Money. Weeeellll,
part of it is in fact for the money. I need money for college so I work at a dry cleaners and make silly sim dates. I actually don't really like romance all that much though, but I oddly find flirting with the minds of girls and women interesting... even though if I'm completely straight. :'D
56. Where did you get the furniture and food that I see you use in your Figure Boredoms? 
From various sets and figures. Most of them were made by Fisher Price, a cheap doll and doll furniture making company. Professor Layton came with a table, chair, and tea, Jun came with sushi and beer, Yuki came with more tea, Shana came with melon bread, Roxas came with ice cream, and my Nendoroid play set came with desks and lots of food.
57. Why do you get so many page views?
Because people like you stalk me and visit my profile page too often.
58. What kind of tablet do you use? 
A 4x6 Wacom Bamboo. It's nothing fancy or special, but it works
really well for me.
59. Will you ever make a sim date where the girl player character has black hair?
Probably not. I like to make characters within the same game have different hair colors and if there was no datable male character with black hair, then I think that I would get a lot of complaints.
60. Insert personal life problem here.
Please keep your personal life to yourself. You don't even know me and I could be a 40 year old sexual predator for all you know. (I'm not really one, buuttt if you're like me *thinks that all peeps on the internet are liars* then I guess I could be one...) Anyways, I'm no psychiatrist. Go find a real one and ask them for advice.
61. How do you draw in Flash? 
I like to use the Pencil Tool to draw my lines and the Selection Tool to edit/bend my lines to my satisfaction. Look up Flash drawing tutorials on Google and deviantArt for more help.
62. How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?
Weekends: One or two, School Days: Zero (Don't have time in the morning to make coffee), Long Holidays/Summer Vacation: ∞ (Normally I'm working on sim dates or big projects during long holidays. I don't sleep or eat much, therefore drink lots of coffee).
63. How do you unlock insert sim date characters name here. 
Go Google it.
64. How do you make a line go through text like this?
< strike> insert text here < /strike>
Remove the spaces in between the "<"s and "s"s and you'll get this:
insert text here
65. Do you have a facebook?
Some fans made a "Pacthesis fan page" on facebook, but I don't run it. I do have a personal facebook, but even though if you search up my real and full name, you can't find me unless if you're a friend of one of my friends (in real life) on facebook. I try my best to keep my real self from being found by peeps like you. :U No offense, I just like lurking.
66. Why does Mr. Toko like muscular women?
Don't forget that Mr. Toko is bi, so he also likes muscular men. :U He just personally finds them attractive and they suit his taste. Here's some random article I found that explains more on why some men find muscular women appealing:
[link] Some men find long haired women pretty, some don't. Some men find curvy women pretty, some don't. Etc, etc, etc...
67. Why don't your sim dates have sex/pornography/hentai in them?
Reason one: deviantART will ban me if I upload stuff with porn. Reason two: MochiAds doesn't accept games with adult content so I wouldn't be able to make money off of it with ads. Reason three: Porn doesn't market well with my current audience... 12 year old girls. :/ Also, my family disapproves with the idea of me creating porn. I would like to respect them since they're important people to me.