Wednesday, December 8, 2010


othebatmobile- brings you to the last day

itseffingfuchsia- max realationship with Lewis

antisparkle- Max relationship with Ferris

youthoughthewasacatatfirst- max relationship with Ian.

istillthinkheisadouchbag- max relationship with Joseph

azombiewouldhavebeenbetter- max relationship with daniel

moneydoesgrowontrees- gives $1000

imcancerfree- gives you 2000 HP

yaranaika?- max relationship with everyone

imtoolazytoputinallofthecheats- $1,000, 2,000 HP, full stats max items

for some reason, in the game there is a glitch, and none of the cheats will be allowed to be entered (i dont know if its my computer or not..but just thought you would like to know! sorry!) I'm sure there are other cheats but these are what I have found


Tuesday, December 7, 2010


(Update: NEW CHARACTERS) Chrono Days Sim Date Info

Journal Entry: Sat Dec 4, 2010, 7:43 PM
Questions? Please check out my FAQ first.

The news: There are now EIGHT different datable characters in Chrono Days.

C-C-C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER...!! Oh my god what am I doing? Th-this is crazy. By the way, as far as progress goes, I've got all of the characters and backgrounds drawn. The game will still be released around early or mid 2011 though. I'm about halfway trough drawing the kiss/events/ending scenes, I still have to design everybody's date outfits, and I've hardly written any script. :'D I've still got a long way to go, dohohohoho.

Cole's great grandfather. I didn't plan for this guy to be datable in the beginning, but then I started writing his script and got to know him better... and... and HE WAS TOO ADORABLE TO JUST LEAVE AS A SIDE CHARACTER. ;A; So he became datable. Unlocking him isn't hard at all by the way. Also, yes if you do get together with him then you would be Cole's great grandmother. BUT, if you don't then you wouldn't have any blood relations with him whatsoever. Is Saige (the player) Cole's great grandmother officially? I don't know, you choose.

A robot and a Tomo look alike. This guy is pretty adorable too. He's easy to unlock... if you have TONS AND TONS OF MONEY or the cheat code that gives you money. Oh you kids and your cheat codes.

Another fake screen shot for teh lulz. "WH-WHAT THE CRAP IS GOING ON??!1!1" is how I'm feeling about all of this.

That is all for now, peeps. :|
